Thursday, May 30

9:00am - Keynote: The State of Higher Education: Law, Policy, and Regulatory Compliance

Peter Lake

Coming Soon!

10:30am - Session 1: Strategies for Success: Leveraging the Behavioral Sciences to Optimize Compliance

Jeff Chasen

Compliance in higher education continues to increase in scope and complexity, often within the context of declining resources. Fortunately, there are practical solutions adapted from scientifically established principles of human behavior (and aligned with the Federal Sentencing Guidelines for Organizations) that can make educational institutions more effective and efficient in managing compliance. This workshop will discuss how to apply behavioral science strategies to help promote and produce meaningful, measurable, and sustainable institutional change and, ultimately, to help you achieve better outcomes across your campus and community.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Learn basic concepts from the behavioral sciences, specifically an understanding of human behavior, and how to apply this knowledge to achieve better compliance.
  • Enhance your ability to predict, plan, and prepare for problems before they occur (or at least before it's too late).
  • Adapt strategies for identifying and mitigating compliance crises, concerns, and complaints.
  • Acquire a model template for using behavioral science strategies to design, develop, and deploy a comprehensive date reporting system.

1:00pm - Session 2: Data Systems - Are Yours Prepared for Financial Value Transparency, Data Privacy, and Other Upcoming Regulations?

Panelists Invited:

  • Stephen Hopper, Associate Vice President and Chief Information Officer for Universities of Wisconsin
  • WAICU Member School TBD
  • CampusWorks Expert TBD
  • Facilitator: TBD

The panel of experts and practitioners will discuss questions such as the ones below and those from the audience:

  • Looking at all the systems most commonly used in higher education that need to work together, where does a campus need to go to be more successful in managing data and records?
  • What are the risks of not integrating data and records? Why is a strong system so critical for risk and compliance related reasons?
  • What are some scenarios that highlight this issue for a UW as well as WAICU campus?
  • What will be asked of campuses by the Dept of Education - financial value transparency/gainful employment - what else is coming?
  • Thinking about a concerted investment in a cross-functional challenge is daunting. What are some initial solutions we can implement now without changing or spending too much?
  • What do various teams (compliance, financial aid, etc.) need to do to protect data, and how should we invest strategically in the future?

2:30pm - Session 3: Risk Assessment: Foundation for Building an Effective Ethics and Compliance Program

Judy Spain

Risk assessments are the heart of an effective ethics and compliance program. Assessments build the framework upon which your program operates. With them, you create a system that not only finds compliance issues but also works to prevent those issues from occurring. Without them, your entity will always just be reactive and possibly star in tomorrow's headlines.

This presentation will be divided into several components:

  • Describing a universal model to identify your entity's universe of risk
  • Explaining the assessment process
  • Using examples to walk through each assessment step on the path to understand how assessment feeds into a functioning compliance and ethics program

Using interactive polling, attendees will choose which examples to use, e.g., FLSA, negligent hiring, Title IX, Reporting Policy, to walk through a compliance risk assessment.

Time will be provided for audience participation. Come prepared to ask those assessment questions that will help you develop the most effective ethics and compliance program for your institution.

3:45pm - Session 4: AI on Campus: Considerations in the Classroom and Beyond

Aleks Rushing

In an era where artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly integrated into higher education, it is imperative for colleges and universities to understand the legal implications of this technological evolution. Our presentation will explore the diverse applications of AI on campus, from personalized learning and AI-assisted research to campus security systems and administrative processes. We will discuss the potential for AI to transform educational practices while also emphasizing the legal risks with data privacy, intellectual property, contract management, and potential biases in AI decision-making. Attendees will gain insights into compliance with existing legislation, such as FERPA, and strategies for mitigating legal exposure related to AI implementation. This session aims to equip leaders with knowledge to proactively manage the risks and navigate the complex legal landscape surrounding the disruptive yet innovative integration of AI into various aspects of campus life.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Comprehension of AI Applications and Legal Implications in Higher Education: Participants will be able to identify and understand the various ways AI is being utilized in higher education, and the corresponding legal issues that may arise, including but not limited to data privacy, intellectual property rights, and issues surrounding AI-based decision-making.
  • Knowledge of Regulatory Compliance: Attendees will gain knowledge of current laws and regulations including the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), and how these govern the use of AI systems within educational settings, with a focus on the protection of student information.
  • Mitigation Strategies for Legal Risks: Participants will learn strategies to mitigate legal risks associated with AI deployment on campus. This will include assessing AI vendors, developing robust contractual protections, and implementing policies that address potential biases and ensure ethical use of AI technologies.
  • Prepardness for Future Challenges: Participants will be equipped with the foresight to anticipate and prepare for emerging legal challenges as AI technologies continue to evolve, ensuring that their institutions remain at the forefront of innovation while maintaining compliance and safeguarding against legal exposures.

Friday, May 31

9:00am - Session 5: The [Human] Nature of Work: Building a Culture of Employee Growth, Inclusion, and Success

Jeff Chasen

The times are changing...but it is well past time for change, so the mission for higher education leaders is now urgent, especially within the context of compliance. Fortunately, there are many available strategies, tactics, and resources - especially with a mandate of service and stewardship - to support the growth, development, inclusion, empowerment, and wellness of employees...all to the betterment of our institutions and our many stakeholders.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Learn recent, evolving, and anticipated trends for the university (and overall) workforce.
  • Apply workforce trends to address compliance (and broader) challenges.
  • Adapt standards, settings, and strategies to build a powerful and empowering workplace culture.

10:30am - Session 6: Washington Update: Approaching Legislative and Regulatory Developments

Jon Fansmith

  • Learn how the current political climate is driving federal policymaking on higher education.
  • Become aware of specific pending legislative and regulatory actions impacting colleges and universities, including possible risks to institutional operations that may result from them.
  • Look forward to how the upcoming elections may impact the shape of federal policymaking.

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