The 18th International Conference on Production Diseases in Farm Animals will be held June 15 – 17, 2022 in Madison, Wisconsin. Returning to the United States for the first time in 18 years, ICPD 2022 will provide an outstanding venue for discussing health and productivity interactions across livestock species. Invited speakers and submitted posters will spur discussion at the beautiful Memorial Union on the University of Wisconsin‐Madison campus, right on the edge of Lake Mendota.
Animal agriculture requires a balance of maintaining the health and biological requirements of the animal and meeting economic needs to maintain farm viability. This balance is critical for the interactions between producers, animal scientists, and veterinarians, but is also increasingly a focus of those who consume animal products. Inadequate breeding, housing, nutrition, etc. may lead to production diseases, impacting animal welfare and resulting in negative economic impacts for producers and consumers.
The ICPD was held for the first time in 1968 in Urbana, Illinois, and has been held every 3rd year since then, either in Europe or in the U.S. In contrast to the narrow species focus of most conferences related to farm animals, the ICPD focuses on production diseases and their prevention across ruminants, swine, and poultry. The ICPD has been primarily organized by animal and veterinary scientists, with the primary objective to gather different fields of science to exchange and discuss developments resulting in novel ideas to prevent production diseases, improve animal welfare, enhance product quality, and improve the sustainability of animal agriculture.
The ICPD has always attracted international scientists from a variety of disciplines. In this unique interdisciplinary environment, cutting-edge research from scientists is focused on answering the questions and addressing the experiences and perspectives of practitioners, producers, and consumers.
Each ICPD is focused around the most current issues of farm animal production.
Conference topics:
Animal/Pathogenic Environment Interactions \ Fetal Programming \ Heat Stress and Disease Mechanisms \ Immunity and Immunometabolism \ Locomotion Disorders \ Microbiome and Health \ Nutrition/Reproduction Interactions \ Nutritional Diseases \ Precision Livestock Framing Methods for
Animal Health and Welfare \ Prudent Antibiotic Use \ Virology in Health and Disease
Thank You Sponsors
Website Hosted by Wisconsin Union Conference Management | 800 Langdon St. | Madison, WI | (608) 265-6534